2003~2005年对扁吻鱼的生物学进行调查研究,首次系统地获得第一手的扁吻鱼生物学资料。发现扁吻鱼依靠其上、下颌骨上附生着的特异“拟小齿”(Pseud-denti- cle),捕捉他种鱼类为食;泄殖孔和肛门包藏在“外腔”内,不外露;扁吻鱼的性成熟需6~7年,而扁吻鱼性腺发育的再成熟需两周年以上,绝对怀卵量平均为277 772±128 823粒,相对怀卵量平均为44.6±18.3粒/g;成熟卵为淡黄色,平均卵径为1.46±0.08mm,同步成熟,一次产卵。每年4月下旬至5月上旬正值河水上涨之始,即为扁吻鱼的产卵繁殖期。本扎提河—克孜尔水库中的扁吻鱼捕捞群体由2000年的平均体重2.67kg至2005年平均体重增达7.09kg,个体老龄化,资源严重衰退。并对扁吻鱼的生态环境进行调查。文章最后对扁吻鱼的濒危原因进行深入探讨,以及提出建立扁吻鱼自然保护区势在必行。
From 2003 to 2005, the biology of tilapia was investigated, and the first-hand biological information of tilapia was systematically obtained for the first time. It was found that the tilapia relies on its special “pseudo-small teeth” (Pseud-denti- cle) attached to the upper and lower jaws to capture the fish of its species. The cloacae and the anus are hidden in the “outer cavity” Not to be exposed. The sexual maturation of tilapia fish takes 6-7 years, while the gonadal development of tilapia fish requires more than two weeks of maturation, with an average of 277,772 ± 128,823 eggs and an average of 44 relative fecundity. 6 ± 18.3 grains / g. The mature eggs were light yellow with the average egg diameter of 1.46 ± 0.08 mm, which was synchronized and spawned simultaneously. From the beginning of April to the beginning of May each year, the beginning of the rise of river water is the spawning period of tilapia. The population of tilapia catches in the Zhatihe-Kizilsar Reservoir increased from 2.67 kg in 2000 to 7.09 kg in 2005 with an average weight gain of 7.09 kg. Individuals were aging and their resources declined significantly. And the ecology of tilapia fish was investigated. Finally, the article discusses the reasons for the endangerment of tilapia, and proposes the establishment of tilapia nature reserve is imperative.