Recently, many retrospective studies have pointed out that the relationship between combined and synthetic estrogen and various stages of endometrial cancer depends on the dose and duration of administration. There is controversy about whether estrogen is a true carcinogen or promoting the growth of precancerous lesions. According to a retrospective study published since 1975, estrogen users have a 4 to 8-fold greater risk of developing endometrial cancer than uninvolved individuals. In Sweden, the incidence of endometrial cancer has increased by about 20% in women aged 50 to 79 over the past 10 years. In this article, we examined the correlation between endometrial cancer and treatment with orphan hormones in Stockholm from 1974 to 1977 Year by year comparison. Data were collected from 622 cases of palace adenocarcinoma admitted to Radiumhemmet Hospital (65 deaths). Statistical items for the diagnosis of age, menopause age, severe, obesity, hypertension, diabetes