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XXS-01B型闪光信号报警器安装在控制室的仪表盘上.它的输入信号是电接点式,可以与各种电接点式检测控制仪表配套使用,用以指示生产过程中的某些参数超越极限值的信号,以引起操作人员的注意,确保生产安全.报警器有共用板1块、报警组件板2块、变压器1个、报警灯窗8个以及1个开关等.(1)常见故障维修及注意事项①插上电源插头,打开开关,如果小电珠指示灯不亮,则可能是仪表背后的保险丝断,或者是保险丝座某端接触不良,或者是指示灯损坏.②如果试验按钮接上后,有个别灯窗不亮(不闪),有可能是灯泡接触不良.如果是接触不良,可以用橡胶套管套住灯泡,旋紧灯泡.也可能是小灯泡灯丝断,这种情况下可以用万用表测灯泡座两端的电压是否正常,正常电压应为12V.③如果8个灯窗都不亮、不闪,或者全常亮,那么有可能是公用组件板(即电源板)损坏.④如果有一二只或三四只灯窗不亮、不闪,则可能是某一报警板损坏.每块报警板各管4只灯窗.⑤电源板如损坏,可以先用替换法查CMOS集成块4011或4069是否损坏,如果这两块完好,则可查三极管是否损坏(先易后难地检查). XXS-01B type flashing signal alarm installed in the dashboard of the control room.Its input signal is electric contact type, can be used with a variety of electrical contact type detection and control instrumentation to indicate some parameters in the production process beyond Limit the value of the signal in order to attract the attention of the operator to ensure the safety of production Alarm has a common board, alarm board 2, transformer 1, the alarm light window 8 and a switch, etc. (1) common faults Maintenance and Precautions ① Plug in the power and turn on the switch, if the indicator of the small battery is not on, it may be the fuse on the back of the instrument or the fuse at one end of the fuse or the indicator light is damaged ② If the test button is connected On the back, there are individual light windows do not shine (do not flash), there may be poor contact with the lamp.If it is poor, you can use the rubber sleeve to cover the lamp, tighten the lamp may also be a small bulb filament broken, this situation Can use a multimeter to measure bulb terminals at both ends of the voltage is normal, the normal voltage should be 12V. ③ If the eight lights are not bright, no flash, or all-bright, then there may be public component board (ie power board) is damaged If there is one or two Three or four windows is not bright, does not flash, it may be a certain alarm board is damaged. Each alarm board each tube 4 windows. ⑤ If the power supply board is damaged, you can use the replacement method to check whether the CMOS integrated block 4011 or 4069 Damaged, if these two intact, you can check the transistor is damaged (first easy and difficult to check).
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