大柴胡汤出自《伤寒论》一书,由柴胡、生姜各15克,黄芩、芍药、半夏、枳实各9克,大黄6克,大枣5枚组成。 该方是由小柴胡汤减去人参、甘草,加大黄、枳实、芍药而成。小柴胡汤本是治疗少阳病证的主方。风寒之邪侵犯人体后,发病的病位在肌表的称为太阳病证或表证;病邪传入于内的,称为阳明证或里证;若病邪既不在表又未传里,而是在表里之间,则称为少阳病证或半表半里证。少阳病的病机是:邪气欲传于里,正气欲驱邪于外,正邪分争,相持不下。所表现的典型症状是:往来寒热,胸胁胀满,心中烦闷欲呕,默默不欲食(不想说话,也不想进食)等。所谓“往来寒热”,是说寒与热交替发作,一阵怕冷,一阵发热,而且反复发作无定时,有
Dachaihutang comes from a book called “Treatise on Febrile Diseases,” which consists of 15 grams of Bupleurum and Ginger, 9 grams of Radix Astragali, Paeonia lactiflora, Pinellia, and citrus aurantium, 6 grams of rhubarb, and 5 jujubes. The party is made by subtracting ginseng and licorice from Xiaochaihutang, and increasing yellow, citrus, and peony. Xiaochaihu Tangben is the main treatment for Shaoyang disease. After the evil of coldness invades the human body, the onset of the disease is known as the solar syndrome or form in the muscular surface; the evil is introduced into the body and is called the Yangming syndrome or the syndrome; if the evil is neither in the table nor transmitted In between, but between the table and the table, it is called Shaoyang disease certificate or semi-table and half-li syndrome. The pathogenesis of Shaoyang’s disease is: evil desires spread in the air, and the righteousness desires to drive away evil spirits and fight against each other. The typical symptoms are: cold and heat, chest fullness, heart irritability, no desire to eat (do not want to speak, do not want to eat) and so on. The so-called “cold and cold exchanges” means that the cold and heat alternately attack, while a burst of cold, a fever, and repeated attacks without time, there is