为了使《英语沙龙》(实战版)的读者有机会与外国专家进行书面沟通,我们特请大洋彼岸的美国学者Robert Herman(Bob)博士来主持“CONVERSATIONS WITH BOB”专栏。Bob本人有着丰富的职业和文化背景,擅用简短的幽默和寓言故事来阐释关于世界和人生的种种话题。本期是CONVERSATIONSWITH BOB的首次亮相,Bob向沙龙读者表达了真挚的分享和交流的愿望,而Bob的助手张晓红女士(MahyaZhang)亦介绍了有关Bob的背景。Mahya是多年前由大陆赴美的一位出版界资深人士,她将担任本栏目的客座主持,即日后读者与Bob间的沟通桥梁。与Bob通信的有关事项请见Mahya在本文末尾处的说明。
In order to enable readers of the English Salon to have written opportunities to communicate with foreign experts, we would like to invite Dr. Robert Herman (Bob), an American scholar from the other side of the world, to preside over the “CONVERSATIONS WITH BOB” column. Bob has a rich professional and cultural background. He uses short stories of humor and fables to explain various topics about the world and life. This issue is the first appearance of the CONVERSATIONSWITH BOB. Bob expressed his sincere desire to share and communicate with the Sharon readers, and Bob’s assistant, Ms. Zhang Xiaohong (Mahya Zhang) also introduced the background of Bob. Mahya was a veteran of publishing from the mainland to the United States several years ago. She will serve as the guest chair of this column, which is the communication bridge between readers and Bob in the future. For information on communicating with Bob, see the description of Mahya at the end of this article.