本文从两个方面深入分析了罗钦顺气学的内涵和特点 :对理气问题 ,罗钦顺提出了气一元论 ,认为气是天地万物之本原 ,论证了气的客观实在性和存在的普遍性 ,指出理是气的变化法则 ,并用“气上认理”的观点对“理一分殊”说作了重新阐释。对心性问题 ,罗钦顺在总结前人之误的基础上 ,提出了气质天命 ,“一性而两名”;道心人心 ,一心“而两言之”;“人之有欲 ,固出于天”等论断 ,并作了深入探讨。文章最后考察了罗钦顺气学的历史地位及其在日本朱子学派中的影响
In this paper, the connotation and characteristics of Luo Qishun’s gas are deeply analyzed from two aspects: on gas rationing, Luo Qin-shun presents the gas monism and holds that gas is the origin of everything in the world, and demonstrates the objective reality of gas and the universality of existence. Is the law of change of gas, and reinterpreted the theory of “one thing is different” from the viewpoint of “understanding one’s spirit”. On the issue of heart and mind, on the basis of summing up the mistakes of his predecessors, Luo Qin-shun proposed the destiny of temperament, “oneness and two beings”, “heart and soul, one heart and” two words “;” "And other arguments, and made in-depth discussion. In the end, the article examines the historical status of Luo Qinshun and its influence on the Zhu Xi school in Japan