The transmission / reflection measurements of RF medium parameters (complex permittivity (εr = ε’r-jε “r = ε’r-jω.ε0) and relative complex permeability (μr = μ’r-jμ” r )). The problems of thickness resonance, multivalue and phase transition in Nicolson algorithm are analyzed in depth and some improvements are proposed. Using network analyzer sweep technology to solve the problem of multi-value. In this paper, the electromagnetic parameters of polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene, polyoxymethylene, ferrite and dielectric microwave absorbing materials were measured by a vector network analyzer and a coaxial fixture. The air gap, length of sample and S parameters and other error factors were analyzed. The article also utilizes two series of coaxial fixtures (Φ16mm / Φ7mm and Φ7mm / Φ3.05mm). Several commonly used dielectric materials were calculated and the influence of the high order modes of the coaxial transmission line on the test frequency range was explored. This article lays the foundation for the study of energy storage and loss characteristics of electrical and electronic functional materials in high frequency applications.