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包拯在民间的口碑很好,名气很大,主要归功于公案小说《三侠五义》。小说中的包拯头上有个月亮,是星宿转世,能够日审阳夜审阴,铲除奸佞,不畏权贵,故百姓称之为“包青天”。可惜,历史不是小说,正史中的包青天刚正不阿确实不假,要说断案本领,着实不咋的。感情用事也曾乱杀人包拯执掌京城,执法严峻,一方面对权贵刚正不阿,可另一方面对百姓也毫不留情,一律公平对待。这点,和寻常官员偏袒权贵不同,和士大夫偏向小民也不同。应该说,包 Bao Zheng reputation in the folk well, a great reputation, mainly due to the novel of the novel “San Xia Wu Yi.” Bao Zheng head of the novel there is a moon, is the star reincarnation, to test the yin yin yin yang, eradicate evil spirits, defy power, so the people call it . It is a pity that history is not a novel. The integrity in the history and culture is not true at all. It is really not good to say that the ability to break the law should be affirmed. Emotional affairs also chaos killed Bao Zheng in charge of the capital, the law enforcement is grim, on the one hand, right elite just, but on the other hand, people are merciless, all fair treatment. This point is different from that of ordinary officials in favor of elites. It should be said that the package
“网络最危险名人榜”是经迈克菲安全专家对流行文化名人在网络搜索应用过程进行研究分析,得出的在网络上搜索名人信息时最容易得到“危险”结果的一个排行榜,包括体育明星、音乐家、政治家、喜剧演员和好莱坞大腕。据McAfee Most Dangerous Celebrities研究发现,电影明星和名模在今年网络“最危险”名人榜中名列前茅,而歌星和体育明星则相对“安全”。  网络犯罪分子通常利用当红名人的信息