让老百姓安居乐业 记当阳市人大代表张白华

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在当阳市玉阳办事处,只要提起张白华,居民们总要翘起大拇指夸奖一番。他用脚踏实地的实干精神博得了居民们的信赖和拥护,被称为“替老百姓分忧解愁”的好代表。1998年底,36岁的张白华再次当选为当阳市人大代表。不久,上级党委任命他为玉阳办事处党委书记。上任之初,张白华首先推开办事处人大联络处办公室的门,细心翻阅人大代表在代表大会上提出的议案和建议,并将与本辖区有关的代表议案和建议用笔记本一件件记了下来。接着,他便带领有关负责人一头扎进街头巷尾,调查走访千家万户,着手解决急需解决的疑难问题。南正街集贸市场80年代中期建成 In the office of Danyang Yulong, Zhang Bawar, as long as the residents always give thumbs-up praise. He won the trust and support of the residents with his down-to-earth hard work and was called “a good representative of the people who share their worries.” By the end of 1998, 36-year-old Zhang Baihua was re-elected as Dangyang City NPC deputies. Soon, the superior party appoint him as secretary of the party committee of Yuyang office. At the beginning of his term of office, Zhang Baihua first opened the office of the Office of the National People’s Congress liaison office, carefully read the NPC deputies proposed at the Congress motion and recommendations, and will be related to the jurisdiction of the motion and recommendations of a notebook with a note down . Then he led the relevant leaders into the streets and lanes, investigated tens of thousands of families and started solving pressing problems that needed to be solved urgently. South Street Market was built in the mid 80’s
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Based on the measured displacements,the change laws of the effect of distance in phase space on the deformation of mine lane were analyzed and the chaotic time
对MRS培养基的使用方法进行了改良。将MRS(含0.25 mg/ml TMB)融化后倾倒入平皿,待其凝固后,在琼脂表明加入200μl(0.01 mg/ml)HRP,涂匀后进行乳酸杆菌划线分离。37℃、厌氧培