西班牙国王胡安·卡洛斯一世的全名是胡安·卡洛斯·阿尔方索·维克托·玛利亚·德博尔冯—博尔冯(Juan Carlos Alfonso Vic-tor Maria de Borbon y Borbon)。他于1975年11月即位,人们多以为是新建的王朝,其实他所属的波旁家族源远流长,是个支属庞大的帝王世家。波旁家族源出法国,因九世纪末艾马(Aimar)男爵封地在波旁堡(Bourbou)而得名。它曾在法国、西班牙和那不勒斯等多次建立王朝,单在西班牙便有三次:1700—1808年、1814—1868年和1874—1931年。故胡安·卡洛斯一世的登基是第四次建立王国了。不过,这次与历次的情况有两点不同之处:一是过去为君主专制制,而这次是君主立宪制;二是过去的开国或复
The full name of the Spanish king, Juan Carlos I, is Juan Carlos Alfonso Vic-tor Maria de Borbon y Borbon. He ascended the throne in November 1975, many people think that the new dynasty, in fact, he belongs to the Bourbon family has a long history, is a huge monarch family. The Bourbons originated in France and were named after the presence of Baron Aimar at Bourbou in the late 9th century. It had many times established dynasties in France, Spain, Naples, etc., and in Spain alone there were three: 1700-1808, 1814-1868 and 1874-1931. Therefore, the throne of Juan Carlos I was the fourth to establish a kingdom. However, there are two differences between this and the previous one: First, the monarchy in the past, but this time the constitutional monarchy; Second, the past founding or complex