本文主要结合本单位自1993-1999年分娩的68例早产 (孕周29 -37周间 )妇女情况 ,对其社会因素进行探讨。⒈环境因素⑴妊娠妇女的被动吸烟 :在调查中早产的妇女在妊娠期每日被动吸烟5支以上的占89.76% ,基本不接触吸烟环境的只占10.24%。表明非吸烟的孕
In this paper, we mainly discuss the social factors of 68 women who were delivered during the period of 1993-1999 (prenatal period of 29-37 gestational weeks). ⒈ environmental factors ⑴ passive smoking in pregnant women: women in the survey premature birth during pregnancy passive smoking more than 5 accounted for 89.76%, basically no contact with the smoking environment only accounted for 10.24%. Shows non-smoking pregnancy