There is usually a non-formal paragraph with quotation marks between the title and the body of the enacted laws and regulations, including the passage, amendment, publication and implementation of laws and regulations. At present, our country does not have a uniform name for this passage. Although some people mentioned in the article, but not very standardized. Such as Zhou Wansheng’s “Legislation,” a book used in the “law brackets ” reference. At the same time, he pointed out: “The brackets in the law mentioned here refer to the parentheses set under the legal name, indicating in the brackets the passage of laws and passage of time, the publication of time, the publication of organs and the execution of time.” “Brackets ” is a punctuation mark. It is clearly not appropriate to interpret this punctuation as an example from the perspective of “headings, catalogs and prefaces of parts”. Some people say that “legal statement ” as well, but not very accurate. I think it is more appropriate to use “legal explanation” or “legal explanation”. Neither legal nor legal notice is an official part of law or regulation, but it is a descriptive text of published law or regulation. Since “legal description ” is a part of the law or regulation