SA335 P11合金钢焊接工艺研究

来源 :城市建设理论研究(电子版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuang_3210
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AP1000压水堆核电站主蒸汽管道的材质为SA335 P11,属于铬钼合金钢,焊接工艺较复杂,焊接质量要求非常高。本文从如何选取焊接方法、焊接材料、坡口形式、组对间隙、预热、焊接过程控制,焊接顺序等多个方面进行研究控制,焊接完成及时对焊缝进行后热及焊后热处理,经磁粉检测以及射线检测全部合格。SA335 P11合金钢焊接工艺在三门和海阳AP1000核电项目上已成功应用。 The material of the main steam pipe of AP1000 PWR nuclear power plant is SA335 P11, belonging to chrome-molybdenum alloy steel. The welding process is complicated and the welding quality requirements are very high. This paper studies how to select the welding method, the welding material, the groove form, the group to the gap, the preheating, the welding process control, the welding order and so on many aspects to carry on the research control, the welding completes the post-heat and the post-weld heat treatment in time, Magnetic particle testing and ray detection all qualified. SA335 P11 alloy steel welding process in Sanmen and Haiyang AP1000 nuclear power project has been successfully applied.
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