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“胜”这一概念伴随着神话传说中的西王母而出现。到了东汉中晚期,人们将西王母头上的装饰——胜图像化和实物化,在东汉至魏晋南北朝时期墓葬中常见西王母式胜或者以西王母式胜作为装饰,这不仅是西王母信仰的反映,人们似乎也赋予了其辟邪与吉祥的功能。自魏晋时期开始,在荆楚一带伴随着人日这一节日的出现,开始流行人胜和花胜。隋唐时期,各类花胜和人胜继续流行,而且遍及整个南北方地区。唐代以后,叠胜广为流行,并且影响到器物造型和装饰,瓷器上的八宝图案中常见叠胜。现代民间习俗中的各类剪纸,应该就是隋唐时期人们剪彩为人胜习俗的孑遗。 The concept of “wins” comes with the introduction of the Queen Mother of the West in myths and legends. In the late Eastern Han dynasties, people decorated and decorated the images of the decoration on the head of the West King. They were often decorated with Western King Mother or West Queen in the tombs from the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties. This is not only a reflection of the Faith of the Queen Mother of the West, People seem to have given their evil spirits and auspicious functions. Since the Wei and Jin Dynasties began, in the Jingchu area accompanied by the advent of the festival, began to prevail in people and wins. Sui and Tang dynasties, all kinds of flowers win and people continue to prevail, but throughout the entire north and south. After the Tang Dynasty, the stack wins widely popular, and affect the appearance and decoration of artifacts, porcelain patterns on the Babel common fold wins. All kinds of paper-cut in modern folk customs should be the relics of people’s triumphs in the Sui and Tang dynasties.
自主教育管理并不是新鲜事,在全国各地早就有区域推广,但是,很多老师对自主教育管理的本质认识不清,因此在工作中出现了不少这样或那样和自主教育管理本质相背离的事情。下面是我对自主教育管理误区的初步探讨,供大家参考。    一、教师角色定位:是作法官还是当律师    雷梦佳因全班同学集体投票“放逐”而魂断水渠,这是自主管理错了吗?其实,这种看法是强盗逻辑,正如《孟子·寡人之于国也》里说的,“刺人而杀之,