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中国器物的造型看起来千变万化,形态各异.但从生活用具的器物造型来看,还是有章可寻的.中国器物用具同中国农业文明形态是联系在一起的.在中国的边缘地区虽然有大量的少数民族,他们或者是游猎、游牧民族,或者处于刀耕火种的原始状态,但对中国的主体文化未发生显著的影响,而是相反,是中国的主体文化、农业文明影响着边疆的各少数民族,使得一些在生产力上十分落后的少数民族对中原主体文化十分垂慕而不断 The shape of Chinese artifacts looks varied and varied in form, but from the utensils of living utensils, there is still a chapter to be found. Chinese utensils and appliances are linked with the form of Chinese agricultural civilization. Although in China’s fringe areas there are A large number of ethnic minorities, either hunted or nomadic, or in the primitive state of slash and burn, have no significant influence on the main culture of China, but on the contrary, they are the main culture of China and the agricultural civilization affects each Minorities have made some ethnic minorities that are very backward in their productive forces are very much in love with the main culture of the Central Plains