Study on Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of Ni-P-La Alloy Coatings

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huishouzhong2
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Ni-P and Ni-P-La alloy coatings were prepared by electroplating. Electromagnetic shielding effectiveness under the different components of rare earth or the different operating conditions was tested by the network analyzer. The results show that electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of Ni-P-La alloy coating varies from 45 dB to 70 dB with the variety of the frequency from 10 MHz to 350 MHz. Corrosion of the salt fog impacts on the electromagnetic shielding effectiveness a little. A small amount of rare earth added to plating bath can not only enhance corrosion resistance of coating, but make electromagnetic shielding effectiveness increase by 1 ~ 5 dB. Ni-P and Ni-P-La alloy coatings were prepared by electroplating. Electromagnetic shielding effectiveness under the different components of rare earth or the different operating conditions was tested by the network analyzer. The results show that electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of Ni-P- La alloy coating varies from 45 dB to 70 dB with the variety of the frequency from 10 MHz to 350 MHz. Corrosion of the salt fog impacts on the electromagnetic shielding effectiveness a little. A small amount of rare earth added to plating bath can not only enhance corrosion resistance of coating, but make electromagnetic shielding effect increase by 1 ~ 5 dB
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