卡波金 (Carbogen)又称碳合气 ,是一种 5 %二氧化碳(Carbondioxide,CO2 )和 95 %氧气 (Oxygen ,O2 )的混合气体。因其能产生对微血管的作用和增加血氧含量 ,曾被广泛应用于多种肿瘤的辅助治疗。而卡波金对耳蜗微循环的影响机制以及对因耳蜗微循?
Carbogen, also known as carbon dioxide, is a mixture of 5% Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and 95% Oxygen (O2). Because of its ability to produce capillaries and increase blood oxygen content, has been widely used in a variety of tumor adjuvant therapy. The Kaposin microcirculation on the cochlea and the mechanism of cochlear microcirculation?