
来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:string_lau
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The flooding characteristics of hydrofoil impeller were systematically investigated in a two-and three-phase 383 mm i.d. stirred tank operated on air, water and spherical glass beads. The volumetric solid concen-tration Cs was varied from 0 to 25%. And the superficial gas velocity Ug was at the range of 0-0.096 m·s-1. A fast and objective method for identifying flooding point NF is developed based on the statistical analysis of the pressure fluctuation signals. It is found, the effect of solid concentration on the flooding point NF depends on the gas velocity. At the lower gas velocity (Ug = 0.010 m·s-1), the solid concentration has only a minor effect. However, it displays a very significant effect on the flooding point NF at the medium and high gas velocity. The flooding point NF linearly increases with the gas velocity Ug, at lower solid concentration (Cs = 0, 10%). When Cs = 20%, the behavior of NF versus Ug becomes more complex. The correlations of the flooding characteristics in the slurry stirred tank are proposed by considering the solid concentration effect. The flooding characteristics of hydrofoil impeller were systematically investigated in a two-and three-phase 383 mm id stirred tank operated on air, water and spherical glass beads. The volumetric solid concen- tration Cs was varied from 0 to 25%. And the superficial gas velocity Ug was at the range of 0-0.096 m-s-1. A fast and objective method for identifying flooding point NF is developed based on the statistical analysis of the pressure fluctuation signals. It is found, the effect of solid concentration on The flooding point NF depends on the gas velocity. At the lower gas velocity (Ug = 0.010 m-s-1), the solid concentration has only a minor effect. However, it displays a very significant effect on the flooding point NF at the The flooding point NF linearly increases with the gas velocity Ug, at a lower solid concentration (Cs = 0, 10%). When Cs = 20%, the behavior of NF versus Ug becomes more complex. The correlations of the flooding characteristics i n the slurry stirred tank are proposed by considering the solid concentration effect.
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