近闻:为了塑造新时期三毛人形象,顺利实现到本世纪末产销50亿元、利税5亿元的宏伟目标,三毛集团公司最近特地举办了“三毛人形象”大讨论,欢迎公司广大干部职工和社会各界人士踊跃参加。 笔者闻之,情不自禁地从心底里发出赞叹声,并深切地感到:企业员工也应创名牌! 日本松下电器公司作过一次比较广泛深入的调查,发现凡是拥有名牌产品的名牌企
Recent news: In order to shape the image of the Sanmao people in the new era, and successfully achieve the grand goal of 5 billion yuan in sales and 500 million yuan in profits and taxes by the end of the century, Sanmao Group recently held a special discussion on the image of the “Sanmao people”, welcoming the majority of the company. Cadres and employees and people from all walks of life have enthusiastically participated. The author smells it, can not help but sigh from the bottom of my heart, and deeply feel: employees should also create a brand! Matsushita Electric Co., Ltd. conducted a relatively extensive and in-depth investigation and found that all brand-name companies have brand-name products