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在浙江龙游县城北3公里,衢江、灵山江交汇处的凤凰山脚下,有多处洞穴,久旱不枯,老辈人称“无底洞”。附近村民于1992年自筹资金欲把水抽干探个究竟。后在当地政府的资助下,才把水抽干,惊讶地发现这不是天然溶洞,而是人工开掘的巨大石窟群,其中7个已抽干了水。这一发现引起世人瞩目,各地专家学者、文人墨客纷纷来此考察,试图从不同角度破解这个千古之谜,仁者见仁,智者见智,众说纷纭。现将几种主要说法介绍如下: ①采石所留下的废弃场地。洞中石柱为采石防止塌倒而事先设计后留下的。至于洞壁的纹样纯属采石时留下的凿痕。因此并无多大的文化价值与文化涵量。②“藏军说”。春秋时龙游称为姑蔑越国被吴国征服后,用了十年时间整军复仇,迫于形势,只得于采石洞 In the north of Longyou County, Zhejiang Province, 3 kilometers north of Qujiang and Lingshanjiang at the foot of Fenghuang Mountain, there are many caves, a long time, the elders called “bottomless pit.” In 1992, villagers nearby raised funds to raise water for self-financing. Only after the local government subsidized the water drained, was surprised to find that this is not a natural cave, but a huge group of man-made excavations, of which seven have been drained of water. This discovery has aroused the attention of the world. Experts, scholars and literati from all over the world came to visit this area in an attempt to crack the eternal mystery from different perspectives. The benevolent seeks benevolence, the wise seeks wisdom, and the opinions are divided. Here are some of the main statement is as follows: ① quarry left by the abandoned sites. Stone pillars in the cave for the quarry to prevent collapse before the design left behind. As for the wall pattern is purely chisel marks left when quarrying. So there is not much cultural value and cultural content. ② “Tibetan army said.” Spring and Autumn Period Longyou called Gusi more countries were conquered by Wu, spent a decade the whole army avenged, forced the situation, only in quarrying
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本文从建筑工程中的施工进度管理、质量管理、计划管理及预结算管理四个方面出发,详细论述了如何有效做好建筑工程施工管理工作。 This article from the construction of c
电子束CT与冠状动脉钙化ElectronBeamComputedTomographyandCoronaryArteryCalcium方晓江综述戴瑞鸿审校在过去的十年中人们逐渐认识到冠状动脉粥样硬化是一个动态过程,斑块的破裂使原本尚合适的管腔迅速变小从... Electron beam CT an