
来源 :中国钢铁业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanyuanji2008
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1.前言近年来,为应对地球变暖和国际钢铁需求的急剧增大,日本的炼铁技术发展方向正在发生大的变化。对于前者,为抑制 CO_2的发生,日本钢铁联盟已制定了自主行动计划,提出了在2010年实现 CO_2排放量比1990年减少10.5%的目标。为此,日本更多地采用了节能设备,还提出了扩大废塑料再利用等课题,但最关键的技术当然还是最大限度地减少炼铁工序的碳消耗。另外,由于最近钢铁需求的增大,2004年的世界粗钢产量超过了10亿 t,日本的粗钢产量也达到了1亿 t,提高产量已成为当务之急。尤其是,随着生产能力的不断提高,高炉向高利用系数方向发展也已成为共识。以往,焦炉操作以大量使用廉价煤,降低铁水成本为首要课题,但现在除了继续保持这一状况外,进一步提高焦炭性能,保证高炉低还原剂比和高生产率操作已成为重要课题。 1. Introduction In recent years, Japan’s iron-smelting technology has undergone major changes in its direction in response to the global warming and the drastic increase in demand for international steel. For the former, in order to restrain the occurrence of CO 2, the Japan Iron and Steel Federation has formulated an independent plan of action and proposed the goal of reducing the CO 2 emissions by 10.5% from 1990 levels in 2010. To this end, Japan has adopted more energy-saving equipment and raised the issue of reusing waste plastic products. However, the most crucial technology is, of course, minimizing the carbon consumption in the iron-making process. In addition, due to the recent increase in demand for steel, the world’s crude steel production exceeded 1 billion tons in 2004 and the output of crude steel in Japan reached 100 million tons. Increasing output has become a top priority. In particular, with the continuous improvement of production capacity, it has become the consensus that the blast furnace should be developed to a high utilization factor. In the past, coke oven operation to use large amounts of cheap coal and reduce the cost of hot metal as the most important topic, but now in addition to continue to maintain this situation, to further improve the coke performance, to ensure low blast furnace reducing agent ratio and high productivity operation has become an important issue.
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