发挥独特优势 创新管理模式——威海市临港区草庙子镇农村老干部献力基层维稳工作

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近年来,威海市临港区草庙子镇紧密结合农村工作发展需要、正确处理好新老干部关系、老干部自身特点等主导因素,顺应时代发展要求,打破陈旧管理禁锢,创新社会管理模式,在全市率先创立了农村老干部协会以及协会党支部,使老干部干事创业有舞台,发挥余热有平台,思想交流有空间,鼓励他们围绕镇党委、政府的中心工作,针对当前农村的热点、难点问题,摸实情、谋对策、解难题,有效调动老干部参政、议政的工作热情, In recent years, Caojiaozi Town, Lingang District, Weihai, in close connection with the development needs of rural work, correctly handle the leading factors such as the relationship between new and old cadres and the characteristics of veteran cadres, and in accordance with the requirements of the development of the times, breaks the old management imprisonment and innovates in social management. Pioneered the establishment of the association of veteran cadres in rural areas and the party branch of the association so that veteran cadres and entrepreneurs can have a stage to start their own business, create a platform for waste heat, and have room for exchange of ideas. They are encouraged to work around the center of township party committees and governments and to find out the hot and difficult issues in rural areas. , Seek solutions and solve problems, and effectively mobilize the enthusiasm of veteran cadres in their participation in politics and political discussion,