Objective:To investigate the antimicrobial activity of some commonly available herbs against poultry pathogens such asEscherichia coli (E. coli) andPseudomonas species isolated from poultry litter.Methods:The extracts ofSelaginellainvolvensandSelaginellainaequalifolia were tested againstE. coli andPseudomonas isolated from poultry litter by the agar diffusion method.Results: Results indicated that different plant extracts showed inhibitory effects against E. coli (8-13 mm ) andPseudomonas (6.5-13 mm). The four different extracts ofSelaginella involvens andSelaginella inaequalifolia showed similar levels of antimicrobial activity onE. coli. Conclusions:The antimicrobial activities of all the four plant extracts are comparable and their potential as altatives in the treatment of infections by these microorganisms were present in the poultry litter. Susceptibility testing is conduced on isolates using drugs selected on the basis of their importance to human medicine and use in poultry production.