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新《行政诉讼法》第18条第2款规定的跨行政区域管辖制度具有解决司法管辖区域与行政区域划分相一致产生的弊端、优化配置司法资源和统一裁判标准等优势。但根据各地的制度实践,也产生了去除地方干预不彻底,增加当事人诉讼成本、信访责任主体不明确、调解遇到阻力等问题。为使跨行政区域管辖制度更好的发挥作用,需要法院人财物与地方相分离制度配合,在制度设计时坚持便民原则,并且需要制定司法解释对管辖法院和法官的选取问题、信访责任主体问题作出统一规定,维护法制的统一。 The system of cross-jurisdictional jurisdictions stipulated in Paragraph 2 of Article 18 of the new Code of Administrative Litigation has the advantages of resolving the drawbacks arising from the division of jurisdictions and administrative divisions, and optimizing the allocation of judicial resources and standards of referees. However, according to the practice of various localities, there are also some problems such as the local interventions are not completely removed, litigation costs of litigants are increased, the subject of letters and visits is not clear, and mediation encounters resistance. In order to play a more effective role in the system of inter-administration jurisdiction, it is necessary to coordinate the system of court people’s property with the local system of separation, to adhere to the principle of convenience in the design of the system, and to formulate the judicial interpretation of the selection of competent courts and judges, Make unified regulations and safeguard the unification of the legal system.
我写文章总是不自觉地用一个比喻—像孩子得到糖果般欢喜万分。我明白,现在的孩子会觉得“得到糖果欢喜万分”不可思议。但是,那种糖果带来的巨大惊喜对我却是深刻的,强烈的,不光是味蕾上的记忆,还有岁月深处的感怀。  上个世纪80年代,孩子们的零食很少,平时是吃不到糖果的。只有在特殊的日子里,比如过年过节,或者逛庙会的时候,要不就是家里来了客人,孩子们才能享受到糖果的美味。即使过年时,糖果也不能一次吃个够,