与共和国同一生日的焦作日报总编辑柴国庆,当年在部队就是新闻爱好者。这位1970年入伍在新疆戍边的青年本来干的是军事教官,后因偶然参加一次部队新闻写作竞赛,初露锋芒,被选调做了专职新闻干事,从此他与新闻结下了不解之缘。 1983年,焦作日报复刊。他转业后第一批来到了报社,从普通编辑、记者到部主任,从副总编到总编,一干就是12年。在他去年6月接任总编辑的时候,担子并不轻松。他给自己定下了一个努力的目标:办一流的报纸,创一流的效益,
The same birthday with the Republic Jiaozuo daily editor Chai Kwok-ching, then the army is news enthusiasts. The young man who joined the army in Xinjiang in 1970 was originally a military instructors. After being accidentally participating in a force news-writing contest, he was exposed to the edge and was selected as a full-time media officer. From then on, he became associated with the news. In 1983, Jiaozuo daily newspapers. After he switched to the first batch of newspapers came to the newspaper, from ordinary editors and reporters to the director, from the deputy editor to chief editor, a dozen is 12 years. When he took over as chief editor last June, the burden was not easy. He set himself a goal of hard work: do first-class newspapers, create first-class benefits,