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近年来,日益突出的国内农药专利侵权问题愈演愈烈,大有前赴后继之趋势。侵权犹如毒瘤、癌症一样在吞食中国农药之躯体,成为中国农药创新的挡路石。从近年来我国经常发生的农药侵权事件来看,不仅有国内企业侵犯国外企业的知识产权,还有国内企业之间的互相侵权。近年来,国内企业侵犯国外企业的知识产权的案例已是屡见不鲜,司空见惯了。不说远的,就说去年以来的几个典型案例吧。内侵外,司空见惯 In recent years, the increasingly prominent issue of domestic patent infringement of pesticides has intensified, going a long way after the trend. Infringement is like cancer, cancer is swallowing the body of Chinese pesticide, becoming the roadshow of pesticide innovation in China. In recent years, the incidence of pesticide infringement in our country often shows that not only do domestic enterprises infringe the intellectual property rights of foreign enterprises, but also the mutual infringement among domestic enterprises. In recent years, cases of infringement of the intellectual property rights of foreign enterprises by domestic enterprises have become commonplace and commonplace. Not to mention far, say a few typical cases since last year. Invasion, commonplace