Yang Lian-sheng is an important representative of overseas Sinology and has made many pioneering contributions in the field of Chinese culture, especially Chinese history. Based on the rigorous academic training, Yang Lian-sheng’s historiography always has a clear methodological awareness. He admitted that the integration of social sciences will help to unravel the study of Chinese history and therefore consciously pursue “the objectivity of history” in the epistemology of “positivism”. Most of his researches are based on the mutual explanation of “micro ” of “research ” and “macroscopic ” of social science, so as to conduct seminal research in many related fields. According to Yang Lian-sheng, “newspapers”, which have a wide-ranging impact on China’s social relations, have three characteristics: familism, secular rationalism and moral distinction. Yang Lian-sheng argues that there is a “cycle of ” cycle “pattern ” in the dynastic rise and fall.