【摘 要】
自二战以来,美国儿童愈来愈多地食用汉堡包、热狗和土 豆片,大多数儿童的这种饮食习惯是因在学校午餐形成的。最近,美国农业部宣称,美国儿童食用的脂肪和钠过多而纤维素太少
自二战以来,美国儿童愈来愈多地食用汉堡包、热狗和土 豆片,大多数儿童的这种饮食习惯是因在学校午餐形成的。最近,美国农业部宣称,美国儿童食用的脂肪和钠过多而纤维素太少,脂肪占饮食能量的38%(饱和脂肪约占15%)。因此,他们建议制定新的学校午餐准则。
Since World War II, more and more U.S. children have consumed hamburgers, hot dogs and potato chips. Most children’s eating habits are caused by school lunches. Recently, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced that U.S. children consumed too much fat and sodium and too little fiber, accounting for 38% of the dietary energy (about 15% saturated fats). Therefore, they suggested that new school lunch guidelines should be formulated.
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Right trisectionectomy for posterior liver tumors engaging the right and middle hepatic veins may lead to post-hepatectomy liver failure if the anticipated live
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在日常生活中,每个家庭总有一些酒,如何保存酒是令人关心的。 1.一般酒瓶应直立放置于阴凉通风处,不要让酒瓶受到阳光的照射,以免酒温升高而使酒质变异或褪色。但用软木塞密
Introduction:Preoperative chemoradiotherapy(CRT),followed by total mesorectal excision,has become the standard of care for patients with clinical stages II and
近年来,国内外不少学者对怎样从饮食减肥进行多方面研究,除了节食外,还提出了许多行之有效的妙法,肥胖者不妨一试: 1.慢食减肥。食物进入人体内,血糖会升高,当血糖升高到一
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