大气多次散射效应会使得星载激光测高仪脉冲回波信号发生拖尾现象,导致激光测高仪的测距值出现偏差。根据激光测高仪的工作原理并利用半解析型蒙特卡罗方法,建立了大气多次散射效应条件下的脉冲回波信号及距离偏差的数学模型,并基于GLAS系统参数,仿真分析了云和雾的多次散射效应对距离偏差值的影响规律。结果表明,随着大气参数的变化,距离偏差会呈现不规则的起伏变化。当云层粒子尺度大于150μm或雾的消光系数小于1.68 km-1时,大气多次散射效应对测距偏差值的影响小于1 cm。所得的结论为星载激光测高仪测量天气的选取以及系统参数的优化提供了理论依据。
The multi-scattering effect of the atmosphere will cause the trailing echo of the satellite-based laser altimeter to smear, resulting in the deviation of the ranging value of the laser altimeter. According to the working principle of the laser altimeter and the semi-analytical Monte Carlo method, the mathematical model of the pulse echo signal and the distance deviation under the multiple scattering effect of the atmosphere is established. Based on the GLAS system parameters, the cloud and The Influence of Fog Multiple Scattering Effects on Distance Deviation. The results show that with the change of atmospheric parameters, the distance deviation will show irregular fluctuations. When the cloud particle size is greater than 150μm or the fog extinction coefficient is less than 1.68 km-1, the effect of multiple scattering on the range error is less than 1 cm. The conclusions obtained provide a theoretical basis for the selection of weather measurement by satellite laser altimeter and the optimization of system parameters.