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故障现象 开机后有一种“叽叽”叫声,且声音越来越大,逐步产生图像左右扭曲,直至无图、无声、无光栅,亦即“三无”。 分析与检修 第一,检查电源电压。在主电路板上测量Q801的④脚,+112V主电源输出端的电压只有15V左右,而Q801的①脚电压为300V,说明开关电源的直流输入电压正常,故障发生在电源及后部电路中。第二,判断故障大致范围。经分析,该机开关电源使用的是STR5412厚膜电路,属自激式开关电源,故可以断开负载,实际操作时断开主负载即行扫描部分电路,接上60W白炽灯泡作为假负载,Q801④脚电压立即升至正常值+112V,说明开关电源正常,原先输出电压低主要由于负载过重,造成电源保护电路动作,故障应在行扫描电路部分。第三,检查行扫描电路。根据负载过重这一情况,首先测量行输出级电源对地的 Symptom After boot, there is a “Jiji” cry, and the sound is bigger and bigger, gradually distorted the image until no picture, no sound, no grating, that is, “three no.” Analysis and maintenance First, check the power supply voltage. Measure the ④ foot of Q801 on the main circuit board, the voltage of the output terminal of + 112V main power is only 15V or so, and the foot voltage of Q801 is 300V, prove the DC input voltage of the switching power supply is normal, the trouble occurs in the power and rear circuit. Second, determine the approximate scope of the fault. The analysis of the switch power supply is STR5412 thick film circuit, a self-excited switching power supply, it can disconnect the load, the actual operation of the main load that is part of the line scan circuit, connected to the 60W incandescent bulb as a dummy load, Q801 ④ The voltage of the foot immediately rose to the normal value of + 112V, indicating that the switching power supply is normal and the original output voltage was low, mainly due to the heavy load, causing the power protection circuit to operate. The fault should be in the scanning circuit part. Third, check the line scan circuit. According to the load is too heavy this situation, first measure the line output stage power to ground
  Capillary electrophoresis as a useful method has been wildly used because of its good separation,small injection amount and multiplied detector[1,2].However
随着冷空气来袭(xí),天寒地冻,你身上穿的衣服是不是也越来越厚呢?或者,每天早上都因为该穿什么衣服而和妈妈“大战三百回合”?  该如何穿衣服,才能既方便又暖和呢?這个问题困扰(kùnrǎo)着很多人。  杭州的一名医生想了个办法,她将不同款式的衣服穿上身后,按照个人感觉来推测(tuīcè)保暖程度,设计出了一个 “穿衣公式”:当日气温 衣服的保温程度=你能获得的温度。  厚羽绒(rónɡ)服相当
大头哥哥花了5元钱,从路边摊买了一份神秘地图,上面说,只要参考地图,收集10朵来自四川各地的樱花,就能获得好运。  现在,大头哥哥邀(yāo)请你一起出发,收集10朵能带来好运的神奇“川樱”。  A.起点,成都东站,出发!  B.一路景色如画,跳到C。  C.到达达州,获得 。  D.途(tú)经巴中,喝美味银耳汤。  E.到达广元樱花谷 。  F.到达绵阳九皇山 。  G.到达德阳樱花岭 。
谈起计划生育,世俗的看法总认为应由女方来承担,其实这是一种偏见。  从生育角度来讲。育和不育是与男女双方相关的。然而自古以来。人们很不公正地把不育的缘由归罪于女方。有这样一个真实的故事:我国南方某地有一个村子叫王庄,村民都吃当地最便宜的棉籽油,造成多年无后,妇女们为此受尽了责骂。后来,村民们改吃豆油后,家家户户的妇女都生孩子了。至此,王庄闹绝嗣恐慌的风波才得以平息。原来,这是吃棉籽油造成的男性不育
本文详细描述了爱立信模拟移动电话的呼叫建立、登记、呼叫控制及越区切换的过程, 对模拟移动电话的网络调整和优化工作有一定的技术指导作用。 This paper describes Ericss
  The online coupling of capillary electrophoresis (CE) with ambient direct analysis in real time mass spectrometry (DART-MS) was realized in this work.The an
你应该知道,在我们的身边,还有这样一群天使在守護我们吧。它们被统称为“警犬”。其实,它们的品种有很多,特长也各不相同。  德国牧羊犬就是其中的优秀代表。它的“粉丝”称其为“犬中之王”。  警犬身份证  名字:德国牧羊犬  原产地:德国  身材:高大  性格:服从性和警惕(tì)性高  特长:缉毒(jīdú)、护卫、侦(zhēn)察  曾是人类狩猎(shòuliè)伴侣(lǚ)的英国史宾(bīn)格
  Glycosylation is one of the most important post translational modifications of proteins and aberrant glycoprotein expression has been associated with variou
本文主要介绍日、美、英等对智能网初级阶段的开发及ITU-T对智能同的标准化,最后联系信息网的设想展望了未来的理想网路。 This article mainly introduces Japan, the United