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两年前,沿海地区汽车走私势头一度猖獗,扰乱了国家正常的进出口秩序,冲击了民族工业的发展,同时也败坏了党风,腐蚀了一批干部。1993年8月,国务院召开全国打击走私工作会议,部署沿海地区反走私联合行动,由此,揭开了全国反腐败斗争的序幕。走私是个社会现象,只要有国际贸易,有市场差价,就会有走私,在我国由计划经济体制向市场经济转轨的新时期尤其如此。本文试图在分析经济发展水平与走私活动的规律的基础上,探讨在建立社会主义市场经济体制过程中,海关反走私工作的思路。 Two years ago, the smuggling momentum in the coastal areas was once paralyzed, disrupted the country’s normal import and export order, and impacted the development of national industries. At the same time, it also corrupted the party style and eroded a number of cadres. In August 1993, the State Council convened a nationwide anti-smuggling conference to deploy anti-smuggling joint operations in the coastal areas. This opened the prelude to the national anti-corruption struggle. Smuggling is a social phenomenon. As long as there is international trade and there is a market price difference, there will be smuggling. This is especially the case in the new era when China shifts from a planned economic system to a market economy. This article attempts to analyze the law of the level of economic development and smuggling activities, and explores the idea of ​​customs anti-smuggling in the process of establishing a socialist market economic system.
从8月1日起,在中国大陆地区销售的45纳米英特尔酷睿2系列处理器将逐渐采用缩小版包装盒。新包装盒的尺寸比原先 From August 1 onwards, sales in the Chinese mainland 45n
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西施浣纱轻轻地,她分花拂柳盈盈走来。窈窕的身影,在清清的河水中投下一片阴翳,瀑布般七尺长发,清新,飘逸,散发出一种自然的芬芳。水灵灵的俊目嵌在茉莉花色的秀脸上,显 Xi