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不管任何时代。每一个充满激情的青年,头脑里都充满跳跃着的思想。五四新文化运动让中国的文人们开始觉悟,成为推动历史的先驱力量,尤其是俄国的十月革命才让年轻的知识青年看到了希望。于是,“革命”就成为大家最时髦的词语,的确有点“玩酷儿”意味。蒋光慈曾经对郭沫若说:“我自己便是浪漫派,凡是革命家都是浪漫派,不浪漫谁来革命呢?”还解释说:“有理想、有热情、不满足现状而企图创造出些更好的什么的,这种精神便是浪漫主义。具有这种精神的便是浪漫派。”他在中学时代便赋诗:“昔日思班子(超),今朝慕列宁”。“五卅”的前夜,他在第一本诗集《新梦》序言中言:“我生值革命怒潮浩荡之时,一点心灵早燃烧着无涯际的红火。”情绪高昂意气风发,格调俊朗奔放。成为第一部为十月革命和社会主义新生活放声高歌的诗集:“我将我的心灵贡献给你吧,人类因你出世而重生。”他像一颗耀眼的流星划过暗淡的夜空,用美丽的赤色之光照亮骄傲的青春,鼓舞着当时的知识青年奔向革命的旗帜下,让他们在五四田潮之后再一次看到了新生的希望。1926年的诗集《哀中国》,诗情转向沉郁。帝国主义、军阀蹂躏下的人民的困难和现实的黑暗,使他深感痛苦,而亭子间生活与群众革命斗争的一定程度的脱节,则使他不免在一些诗中流露出惆怅忧伤的情绪。“海上秋风起了,……满眼都是悲景呵,”“江河只流着很呜咽的悲音,山岳的颜色更惨淡而寥落!”但诗人并没有被压倒,面对高涨的群众运动,也渐渐地变得顽强。在《寄友》中,他意味深长地写道:“朋友,我觉悟了。我们要把枪柄拿到自己手里!” No matter what time. Every passionate youth is full of leaping thoughts. The May Fourth New Culture Movement enabled Chinese literati to become enlightened and become a pioneering force in promoting history. In particular, the October Revolution in Russia brought the young intellectual youth hope. Thus, the “revolution” has become the most fashionable words for everyone, really a little “play queer” means. Jiang Guangci once said to Guo Moruo: “I am a romance myself, and every revolutionist is a romance, not a romance who is going to revolution?” She also explained: “There is an ideal, a passion, and an unsatisfactory situation in an attempt to create something better. This spirit is romanticism, and there is such a spirit as romanticism. ”In his high school days, he wrote poetry:“ Former thinking team (super), now Mullinning. ” On the eve of “Wuyi”, he said in the preface to the first book, “The New Dream,” that “when I was in the midst of a mighty revolutionary anger, a little soul was burning early with no bounds burning.” Emotions are high-spirited and handsome . Became the first poetry collection to sing and sing for the October Revolution and new life of socialism: “I will dedicate my soul to you, and human beings are born again because of your birth.” He crossed the dark night sky like a dazzling meteor, Illuminating the proud youth with the beautiful red light, inspiring the then knowledge youth to run toward the banner of revolution, letting them see the newborn hope again after the May Fourth tide. 1926 poem “sad China”, poetry turned gloomy. The difficulties of the people and the darkness of reality under the devastation of the imperialists and warlords made him deeply distressed. However, the disjunction between the pavilion life and the mass revolutionary struggle made him inevitably show some melancholy and sad feelings in some poems. “The autumn wind on the sea has begun, ... all over the world are the sad scenes,” “The rivers are only sobbing, the colors of the mountains are even more bleak and sparse!” But the poets have not been overwhelmed. In the face of soaring mass movements, Gradually become tenacious. In Sentiment, he wrote meaningfully: “My friend, I am awake, and we have to put the gun into our own hands.”
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