哈尔滨市第一医院始建于1913年,是国家首批三级甲等医院,现在高级职称的医护人员326人,拥有核磁、螺旋CT 等大型医疗诊断设备12台套,是黑龙江省有影响的集医疗、护理、科研、教学、预防保健为一体的大型综合医院。院长刘向红为医学博士、外科专家,坚持“一切为了患者,为了患者的一切,不遗余力地把造福人民群众为己任”的经营观念,用敬业诚信打造百年医院,焕新彩,铸辉煌。
First Hospital of Harbin was founded in 1913, is the country’s first three-level first-class hospitals, now 326 senior medical staff, with nuclear magnetic resonance, spiral CT and other large medical diagnostic equipment 12 sets, is influential in Heilongjiang Province Set medical, nursing, research, teaching, preventive health care as one of the major general hospitals. Dean Liu Xianghong is a medical doctor and a surgical expert who adhere to the business philosophy of “all for the patient and everything for the patient, spare no effort to benefit the people and the masses” and build century-old hospital with sincere dedication, rejuvenating the color and casting glory.