人单纯疱疹病毒2型(herpes simplex virus,HSV-2)在人群中感染较为普遍,人是单纯疱疹病毒的自然宿主,孕妇生殖器感染可引起胎儿早产、流产、死胎。大多数患者呈隐性感染并与子宫颈癌有密切关系。目前在临床上尚无有效的药物治疗。文献报告喜树果有抗HSV-I作用,本文观察其粗提取液对HSV-2的杀灭和抑制作用,并以病毒唑为对照。 1 材料与方法 1.1 材料 摘取喜树成熟果实,烘干去皮,10g加300ml蒸馏水水煎至140ml,隔水加热浓缩至10ml,8P,30min
Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) infection is more common in the human population. Humans are the natural hosts of herpes simplex virus. Pregnant women’s genital infections can cause fetal premature birth, miscarriage, and stillbirth. Most patients have latent infection and are closely related to cervical cancer. Currently there is no effective drug treatment in the clinic. It is reported in the literature that Camptotheca acuminata has anti-HSV-I effect. In this article, the crude extract was used to kill and inhibit HSV-2, and ribavirin was used as a control. 1 Materials and methods 1.1 Materials Extract the mature fruit of Camptotheca acuminata, dry and peel, add 10Og 300ml distilled water to 140ml, heat and concentrate to 10ml, 8P, 30min.