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舞剧艺术通过舞蹈演员的表演,结合音乐、舞美等其它辅助手段来刻画人物,塑造舞台艺术形象。舞剧具有高度凝练、概括的特点和强烈的抒情色彩,它通过演员表演,让舞蹈语言尽情展现,常常会将观者带入诗一般的境界,唤起人们对生活的思索和对社会的认知,同时,也会使人们在不同的舞蹈段落中,慢慢体会和领悟人生的哲理。我国的舞剧艺术是在新中国成立之后才逐步建立和发展的。很多经典剧目如:《白毛女》、《红色娘子军》、《丝路花雨》、《宝莲灯》等已经名留史册。进入新时期以来创作的《一把酸枣》、《三更雨·愿》、《沂蒙颂》等也已深入人心。《白毛女》是一部 Ballet art through the performances of dancers, combined with music, dance and other aids to characterize people, shaping the stage art image. The ballet has a highly condensed and generalized characteristic and a strong lyrical color. It shows the dance language through performers, and often brings the viewer into the poetic realm to arouse people’s consideration of life and their cognition of the society. At the same time, it will also enable people to gradually understand and understand the philosophy of life in different passages of dance. The art of dance drama in our country was gradually established and developed after the founding of new China. A lot of classic repertoire such as: “White-Haired Girl”, “Red Detachment of Women”, “Silk Flower”, “Lotus Lantern” has been named in the annals of history. Since the entry into the new era, “a jujube”, “Three Raining Wish”, “Yimeng Song”, etc. have also gained popular support. “White-Haired Girl” is one
当人类社会处在世纪之交的时候,如何面对新世纪的挑战,使图书馆事业得到健康的发展,适应21世纪社会对图书馆提出的更高要求,这是摆在图书馆人员面前的重大问题。 一、要以新高度确
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