稻水象甲Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel是中国水稻上的重要植物检疫性害虫,根据稻水象甲的分布数据及其主要寄主水稻的分布,利用MAXENT生态位模型和ArcGIS对其在中国的入侵扩散动态及适生性进行了再分析和预测。稻水象甲在中国的扩散主要分为2个阶段:1988—1996年为零星扩散阶段,稻水象甲分布集中在环渤海湾及东南沿海地区,首次入侵发现地大多出现在港口城市;2001年至今为快速扩散阶段,稻水象甲逐步从沿海地区向内陆省份扩散,首次入侵发现地大多位于铁路或公路沿线城市。稻水象甲在中国的适生区广泛,90%以上水稻种植区均适合其生存,高度适生区域主要集中分布在南方稻区,少量分布在环渤海湾一带。
Based on the distribution data of Asiatic weevils and distribution of its main host rice, using the MAXENT niche model and ArcGIS ’s invasion and spread in China and its distribution in China, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel is an important plant quarantine pest on Chinese rice. The fitness was reanalyzed and predicted. The spread of rice water weevil in China is mainly divided into two stages: 1988-1996 sporadic proliferation phase, the distribution of rice water weevil concentrated in the Bohai Bay and the southeast coastal areas, most of the first discovered in port cities; Since the beginning of the rapid proliferation period, the rice water weevil has gradually spread from the coastal areas to inland provinces. Most of the first discoveries were located in the cities along the railway or the highway. Rice water weevil has a wide range of suitable habitats in China. More than 90% of rice planting areas are suitable for its survival. Highly suitable areas are mainly distributed in the southern rice area with a small amount distributed in the area around the Bohai Bay.