李锐小说的独特性既同他的“本土中国”、“人生”、“生存”、“语言”等观念有关, 也关涉到中国当代文学写作中的一些重大问题, 形成独特的“焦虑情结”和独特的文学魅力。“焦虑———魅力”暴露了李锐文学写作的局限性。这种焦虑的逻辑是: 历史焦虑———生存焦虑———“真我”焦虑———语言焦虑———主体虚无的焦虑。他既怀疑现代性, 又拒绝“乌托邦”; 既不愿“返魅”, 又不愿认同“后现代”, 滞留在单纯的“批判主义”的话语时代。
The uniqueness of Li Rui’s novel relates not only to his concepts of “native China”, “life”, “survival” and “language”, but also to some major issues in the writing of contemporary Chinese literature and the formation of a unique “anxiety complex” And unique literary charm. “Anxiety --- Charm” reveals the limitations of Li Rui’s literary writing. The logic of this anxiety is: historical anxiety --- survival anxiety --- “real self” anxiety --- language anxiety --- the main body nihility anxiety. He not only suspects the modernity but also rejects the “utopia”. He neither wants to “re-enchant” nor wants to recognize “post-modernism” and stays in the era of simple “critical” discourse.