继往开来 再创辉煌 为建设创新型工程装备研发中心而奋斗——×××在纪念建所50周年大会上的讲话

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原文各位领导、各位来宾、同志们:今天,我们在这里隆重集会,举行纪念建所50周年大会,这对于我们回顾光荣历史,总结宝贵经验,弘扬优良传统,牢记使命重托,继往开来,与时俱进,不断夺取工程装备建设的新胜利、开创工程装备建设的新局面有着重要的意义。 Ladies and Gentlemen, Comrades, Today, we hold a grand rally here to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the founding building. This is a great opportunity for us to review our glorious history, sum up valuable experiences, carry forward fine traditions, hold in mind the mission of trusting the past, carrying forward the future, keeping up with the times It is of great significance to continuously advance the new victories in the construction of engineering equipment and create a new situation in the construction of engineering equipment.