主将常昊急着出场王尧与羽根对局的当日,常昊与夫人张璇双双来到研究室,成为“研究会”当仁不让的主角。一旦有棋可评,常昊的劲头似乎分外足,撇下相伴而行的张璇,拿了把椅子坐在棋手堆里,开始指点江山。他一会拿起一把棋子与左边的胡耀宇拆招,一会又与右前方的罗洗河比比划划。到了棋局的紧要处,嘴里虽还是妙语不断,但急切之心溢于言表。黑白大龙纠缠之际,常昊面色凝重起来。他直言: “黑棋要想脱险,必须在左上有‘大飞’伸腿。”遗憾的是,当事人王尧居然浑然不觉,他置常昊等人急到嗓子
The main will Chang Hao anxious appearances on the day of Yao and Yugen competition, Chang Hao and his wife Zhang Xuan both came to the research room, as “research” doing my part. Once the chess can be commended, Chang Hao’s momentum seems to be exceptionally full, leaving the accompanying Zhang Xuan, took the chair sat in the pile of players, began pointing Jiangshan. For a moment, he picked up a pawn and removed the trick from Hu Yaoyu on the left. To the crucial point of the game, although the mouth is still punchline constant, but eager to overflow. Black and white dragon entangled occasion, often hao dignified look up. He bluntly: “Black want to escape, you must have a fly in the upper left.” Unfortunately, the parties actually unaware of Wang Yao, he set Chang Hao, who anxious throat