脑静脉畸形(cerebral venous maiformation,CVM)是脑血管畸形的一种,其分为浅表型和深部型,浅表型指深部髓静脉区域通过浅表髓静脉引流入皮质静脉;深部型指皮质下区域引流入深部静脉系[1],因既往常规影像学手段对其检出率较低,所以曾一度认为CVM是一种罕见的脑血管畸形。但随着近年来磁共振技术的不断发展,特别是高场磁共振中磁敏感加权成像(susceptibility weighted imaging,SWI)序列技术的
Cerebral venous malaria (CVM) is a kind of cerebrovascular malformation, which is divided into superficial and deep type, superficial type refers to the deep medullary venous drainage through the superficial medullary vein into the cortical veins; deep type of the cortex The lower regional drainage into the deep venous system [1], due to conventional imaging methods to its detection rate is low, so once considered CVM is a rare cerebrovascular malformations. However, with the continuous development of magnetic resonance technology in recent years, in particular, the technology of susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) in high-field magnetic resonance