Harriet de Onís是20世纪中叶一些主要拉丁美洲作家和历史学家的著作的主要译者。通过分析其译作词句可看出译者的显著文化特征如何反映作为信念和世界观的深层意识形态。反映在目的文本中的译者之词汇激发和这样的深层意识形态是由译者的教育和社会文化熏陶所构建的。有些词汇激发似乎相当温和(如属于一般归化策略的音韵头韵模式),而另一些,如宗教词汇和对敏感话题(极端主义倾向和先进社会)的直白评价,则更险恶。可运用翻译文体学来揭示翻译的此类转换。
Harriet de Onís is the main translator of the writings of some of the major Latin American writers and historians of the mid-20th century. By analyzing the translated words and expressions, we can see how the translator’s significant cultural characteristics reflect the deep ideology as a belief and a world view. The lexical excitation of translators reflected in the target texts and such deep ideologies are constructed by the translator’s education and social culture. Some of the lexical motivations seem to be rather modest (such as the phonetic rhyme patterns that belong to the generalized naturalization strategy), while others, such as religious lexicons and straightforward evaluations of sensitive topics (extremist and advanced societies) are even more sinister. Translation stylistics can be used to reveal such translations.