The authors used a quick and easy method to make dwarf, retinal degeneration, deafness syndrome (CS) was diagnosed prenatal. This method is based on the following: UV light can make the normal and CS fetal amniotic cells autosomal RNA and DNA were inhibited, but in the stop ultraviolet light irradiation, normal fetal autosomal cells RNA and DNA synthesis rate recovery Normal, and the rate of RNA and DNA synthesis in CS cells can not be restored to its original level. The case of RNA synthesis was judged by the incorporation of urinary H ~ 3 labeled conjugates into normally stained cells, as determined by rapid scintillation counting and autoradiography. Specifically, the punctured amniotic membrane cells were cultured in Ham’s F10 medium containing 20% fetal bovine serum and then transferred to Dubecco’s buffer minimally-needed medium (MEM) or 20% fetal bovine serum Eagle’s minimum required medium is then scintillated and autoradiographed. The specific steps of rapid scintillation counting method are as follows: firstly, each plate contains 2 × 10 ~ 4 ~ 2 × 10 ~ 5