在我厂产品中,冲压件的数量和品种较多。生产出来的毛坯件都与废料混在一起,为了将毛坯件与废料分开,我厂总结以往的经验,设计制造了一台小型回转式筛料机。经过冲压车间近4年的使用,效果比较理想,受到工人的欢迎。现将主要结构、特点及操作介绍如下: 主要结构见附图,其中(?)轮减速机输出轴仰角为
In my factory products, the number and variety of stampings more. Production of rough pieces are mixed with the waste, in order to separate the rough pieces and waste, I plant the past experience, design and manufacture of a small rotary sieve feeder. After nearly 4 years of stamping shop use, the effect is ideal, by the workers welcome. Now the main structure, features and operations are described below: The main structure shown in the drawings, where (?) Wheel reducer output shaft elevation angle of