安阳市位于河南省最北部,总面积5 599km~2,地势西高东低,地形依次为西部山区、中部丘陵和东部平原风沙区,原有水土流失面积2 996km~2,是我省水土流失较为严重的地区之一。近年来,安阳市按照因地制宜、分类指导、突出重点、注重实效的原则,结合社会主义新农村建设,以点带面抓示范,建管并重促发展,积极推进水土保持综合治理工作。在西部山丘区,实行工程措施与生物措施相
Anyang City is located in the northernmost part of Henan Province, with a total area of 5599km ~ 2. The topography is high in the west and low in the east. The terrain is in the order of western mountainous area, central hills and eastern plain windy sand area. The original soil erosion area is 2 996km ~ 2, One of the most serious areas. In recent years, Anyang City, in accordance with local conditions, classified guidance, focus on the principle of focusing on actual results, combined with the construction of new socialist countryside, with a point to catch demonstration, construction and development and promote development, and actively promote the comprehensive management of soil and water conservation. In the western hills, engineering measures and biological measures are implemented