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  In 2019, after a three-year delay, M+, Hong Kong’s museum dedicated to Chinese visual culture, opened to the public. It contains a staggering1 collection of art with works by Ai Weiwei, Cao Fei, Zhang Xiaogang, Liu Wei, Wang Guangle, Wang Guangyi, Song Dong, Hai Bo, and more. The former Executive Director, Lars Nittve, sees M+ as the equivalent of New York’s MoMA or the Centre Pompidou in Paris, in terms of depth and cultural importance.
  M+ wouldn’t have been possible without Swiss businessman and art collector Uli Sigg, who in 2012 donated and sold 1,510 Chinese contemporary works of art (a portion of his collection) to the museum. Michael Schindhelm’s 2016 documentary portrait, The Chinese Lives of Uli Sigg, recaps2 Sigg’s life and how he accumulated his collection—from Social Realism to Cynical Realism and political Pop artworks—to preserve contemporary Chinese art for three decades. In interviews and reiterated3 in the film, Sigg prefers to view himself as “a researcher of China and of Chinese contemporary art who just happened to buy some of the results of his research.”
  Segmented into parts, Chinese Lives follows Sigg’s life in chronological order, starting in 1979, the year that he first went to China as a representative of the Swiss elevator manufacturer, the Schindler Group, which ultimately led to the first joint venture between a Western company and China. The film moves fast at first, giving the impression that the periods covered in the 1970s and ’80s are mere backstory. In the ’90s, the doc slows down to a steady rhythm, and it is here where Sigg’s presence in the film returns, as it is the decade when he feverishly4 began to acquire art.
  In 1995 Sigg became the Swiss Ambassador to China, which lasted until 1999. He was buying art with an objective eye, one towards preserving culture, and he often possessed pieces that went against his personal taste. Moving into the 21st century, Chinese art reached international attention in no small part to Sigg’s efforts. He created the Chinese Contemporary Art Award (CCAA), an award that functioned to get artists noticed by important Western curators and gallery owners. At the same time, pieces by Zhang Xiaogang, Yue Minjun, and others were fetching for millions of dollars. And yet Chinese Lives glosses over5 the link between commerce and art that leads to these astronomical6 prices, and merely notes that these artists were becoming further influenced by Western culture. The downside is that this globalization threatens to erase the specificity of Chinese culture.   Following Sigg’s announcement that he will donate a sizable portion of his collection to the soon-to-be-opened M+ museum, Chinese Lives ends on a hopeful note for the still-growing art scene in China. Chinese Lives is a standard, conventional documentary filled with interviews with Sigg himself, his wife, Schindler Group colleagues, Wang Guangyi, Cao Chong’en, among others.
  The documentary is a good starting point to familiarize oneself with contemporary Chinese art and the man who helped expose it to the world.
  纪录片按时间顺序分段讲述了希克的生活,讲述始于1979年,那一年他作为瑞士电梯制造商迅达集团的代表初次来到中国,该集团最终成为了首批中西合资企业中的一员。起初电影快速推进, 让人觉得20 世纪七八十年代的几个阶段仅仅是故事背景。而到了20 世纪90 年代,影片节奏放缓,稳定下来,这时希克又出镜了,正是在这十年间希克开启了他狂热的艺术收藏之旅。
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