Ancient and Modem Adomments In Tibet

来源 :China\'s Tibet | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xrq_sjj
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As early as four thousandyears ago, the Tibetansalready had developed aninitial aesthetic ideology, acase in point being theadornments unearthed from the Karubruins in Qamdo. During that time, adorn-ments were mainly made of pottery, stoneand seashell and As early as four thousandyears ago, the Tibetansreadyready developed aninitial aesthetic ideology, acase in point being theartment unearthed from the Karubruins in Qamdo. During that time, adorn-ments were mainly made of pottery, stone and seashell and
秋风送爽,丹挂飘香,神农架迎来层林尽染,五彩斑斓的灿烂时节。相约十月,相约神农架,来吧,用光 Autumn cool, Dan hung fragrance, Shennongjia ushered in storied dye, bri
我们翻过灵山,从河北省怀来县矾山 镇的黄帝城,沿着永定河大峡谷穿过古村 落拍摄秋景…… 秋风吹起的时候,永定河大峡谷有着 动人的宁静。木板连成的锁桥从两山间的 峡谷延伸
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Dainzin Leshie is 20 years oldnow. Three years ago, hebecame a monk. But then,three months ago, when heheaded out of the Nyain-qentanglha Mountains and became a