From the eighth to the ninth century, the heyday of the Japanese legal system, the state co-ordinated the prevention and relief of epidemics through the law. Medicare-based remedies had been strictly enforced at the beginning of the law, however, and the catastrophic remedies shifted to such economic measures as relief to the aid of the smallpox in 735-737. Since the middle and late Nara period, the legal system has exposed many problems. Although the state reforms, it has little effect and makes the law system more weaker. Similarly, relief using economic instruments has exposed many problems such as the dereliction of office of local officials. Faced with these difficulties, the imperial court has to rely more on the strength of society itself to encourage people to abandon their bad habits and actively participate in the relief that should have been co-ordinated by the state. This is one of the important signs that the Japanese legal system started to relax.