China's Regional Disparity and Its Policy Responses

来源 :China & World Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JustFelling
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The fruits of China’s rapid economic development over the 3 decades have not been distributed fairly across different regions.Using data from a sample of 815 Chinese listed firms during 1998-2004,our error-correction investment model showes evidence of different financial constraints on firms’ investment in different regions.We argue that China’s regional development policies have contributed greatly to the regional inequalities.To control the rising inequality,China has shifted its focus from the coast to the interior regions.However, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the government to direct the economy,as market mechanisms now have afar greater influence on the economy than the government does. The people-centered approach of the current leadership has meant that substantial attention has been placed on regional development disparities in an attempt to build a“harmonious society.”China needs further extensive reforms if all the measures for reducing regional disparity are to be effective. The fruits of China’s rapid economic development over the 3 decades have not been distributed fair across different regions. Using data from a sample of 815 Chinese listed firms during 1998-2004, our error-correction investment model showes evidence of different financial constraints on firms’ investment in different regions. We argue that China’s regional development policies have had greatly to the regional inequalities. To control the rising inequality. China has shifted its focus from the coast to the interior regions. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the government to direct the economy, as market mechanisms now have afar greater influence on the economy than the government does. The people-centered approach of the current leadership has. China. further needs if the measures for reducing regional disparity are to be effective.
目的 研究危重患儿血清白细胞介素-1β(IL-1β)、IL-6、肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、C反应蛋白(CRP)、乳酸(LAC)的变化.方法检测48例危重患儿,20例非危重患儿血清IL-1β、IL-6、TNF-α、CRP、LAC的水平.结果危重患儿血清IL-1β、IL-6、TNF-α、CRP、LAC的水平明显高于非危重患儿,且危重患儿中SIRS组明显高于非SIRS组、感染组明显高于非感染组,差
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