Over the years, the International Olympic Committee has consistently opposed the use of stimulants in a clear-cut manner and has set strict inspection measures. However, it is regrettable that due to repeated abuses of illicit drugs by the world’s sports community, the Olympic stadium can not escape the shadow of doping. Marion Jones - 2000 Sydney Olympic Games Women’s 100m, 200m, 4x400m Relay Champion, Women’s Long Jump, 4x100m Third Place, The Fastest Woman on Earth, First in History Five athletes from Olympic medals, victorious in the seven years after Sydney Olympics, said to the media: “I have received more than 160 drug tests and have not failed once or twice in a row. ” 2007 In October, she finally admitted that she had used steroid hormones in preparations for the 2000 Sydney Olympics and was sentenced to six months in prison. A stone aroused Melaleuca waves, stimulants have become the focus of attention.