新能源车十年发展路线图确定 将出财税鼓励政策

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《经济参考报》记者日前从国家制造强国建设战略咨询委员会获悉,新能源汽车产业未来十年发展路线图已经绘就。记者独家获得了《中国制造2025》重点领域技术路线图中关于新能源汽车部分的详细内容。文件显示,到2025年,中国新能源汽车年销量将达到汽车市场需求总量的20%,自主新能源汽车市场份额达到80%以上,为了实现这个目标,国家层面将形成产业间联动的新能源汽车自 The Economic Information Daily reporter recently learned from the State Construction Strategy Advisory Committee that the roadmap for the development of the new energy automotive industry in the next decade has been painted. The reporter won the exclusive “China Made 2025” key areas of technology roadmap on the new energy vehicles part of the details. Documents show that by 2025, China’s annual sales of new energy vehicles will reach 20% of the total demand of the automotive market, autonomous new energy vehicles market share of 80% or more, in order to achieve this goal, the national level will form a new energy industry linkage between Car from
文章介绍了蒸馏-加氢工艺再生废润滑油技术原理,以及目前采用的两种典型蒸馏-加氢废油再生工艺流程,它们分别是PURALUBE(德国)股份有限公司采用的HyLube工艺和意大利Vis- col